
全球IPv6和IPv6+发展报告( 英文 20页)


全球IPv6和IPv6+发展报告( 英文 20页)

Executive Summary

Wit h th e advent of new communic at ion and information technologies, the world has entered into a new era. We are witnessing an unprecedented historical moment where future-shaping technologies such as AI, 5G, cloud, IoT are emerging simultaneously.  

A fundamental enabler lies at the core of all these technologies: IP address. It provides a "key"; for devices to connect to the network, without which no communication can be carried out.  

The previous protocol used for IP addressing was IPv4. It was designed in the early 1980s with a maximum total of only 4.3 billion addresses. The explosive growth of intelligent devices has exhausted the available IPv4 address resources, and IPv6 was introduced to solve this problem once and for all. With 3.8*10^38 total addresses available, IPv6 would be able to assign every grain of sand on earth an IP address. 

However, IPv6 did not stop there. Related protocol innovations such as SRv6 are being currently standardized in IETF. They are denoted as IPv6+ in this whitepaper. Combined with AI, IPv6+ protocols go beyond enabling numerous connections to deliver high quality and smart connections. 

IPv6 and IPv6+ enhance the deployment of advanced business applications like 5G, Cloud and Industrial IoT. They also provide the basis for the digitalization of all industries.

On a grander scheme, IPv6 and IPv6+ empower digital economy transformation, drive innovation and entrepreneurship, enhance social governance, and support digital equality. The ultimate transition  

to IPv6 and IPv6+, and the associated long-term benefits of the new technologies are beyond any doubt. Over the past decade, multiple initiatives at both global and regional levels have been implemented, to facilitate a coordinated transition to IPv6 for the entire internet ecosystem. At this moment, we find it necessary to reflect on how the world has progressed in this transition and summarize the concrete socio-economic value IPv6 and IPv6+ have created. 

We indexed each country's IPv6 deployment level and analyzed how government policies helped to shape the current IPv6 landscape. We performed quantitative analysis of the relationship between IPv6 deployment and national GDP. We estimated the economic impacts of IP v6 and IPv6+ on various industries.

Although our analyses and estimates may be subject to limitations in sample scope and size, the results are still strongly in favor of IPv6 deployment: Every 10% increase in IPv6 deployment index would bring about 0.4% GDP growth. Total industry value enabled by IPv6 and IPv6+ is estimated at $10.8 trillion in 2030.

In conclusion, now is the per fect time for IPv6 deployment. Industry-wide adoption of IPv6 has taken off. Major telecom operators, internet content providers, equipment manufac turers have all participated in the rush into a new digital world through IPv6 and IPv6+ adoption. Policy makers may encourage 'long-tail' actors in the industry ecosystem to follow. With a combination of polices targeting the public sector, private sector, skills development, awareness enhancing and overall strategy, governments will be able to drive country-wide IPv6 and IPv6+ adoption.



所有这些技术的核心是一个基本的推动因素:IP 地址。它为设备连接到网络提供了一个“钥匙”,没有它就不能进行任何通信。

以前用于 IP 寻址的协议是 IPv4。它是在 1980 年代初期设计的,最多只有 43 亿个地址。智能设备的爆炸式增长已经耗尽了可用的IPv4地址资源,而IPv6的引入则一劳永逸地解决了这个问题。有了 3.8*10^38 个可用地址,IPv6 将能够为地球上的每一粒沙子分配一个 IP 地址。

然而,IPv6 并没有就此止步。相关的协议创新,例如 SRv6,目前正在 IETF 中标准化。它们在本白皮书中表示为 IPv6+。结合人工智能,IPv6+ 协议不仅可以支持大量连接,还可以提供高质量和智能的连接。

IPv6 和 IPv6+ 增强了 5G、云和工业物联网等高级业务应用的部署。它们还为所有行业的数字化提供了基础。


IPv6 和 IPv6+,以及新技术的相关长期利益是毋庸置疑的。在过去十年中,在全球和区域层面实施了多项举措,以促进整个互联网生态系统向 IPv6 的协调过渡。此时此刻,我们发现有必要反思世界在这一转变中的进步,并总结 IPv6 和 IPv6+ 创造的具体社会经济价值。

我们索引了每个国家/地区的 IPv6 部署水平,并分析了政府政策如何帮助塑造当前的 IPv6 格局。我们对 IPv6 部署与国家 GDP 的关系进行了定量分析。我们估计了 IP v6 和 IPv6+ 对各个行业的经济影响。

尽管我们的分析和估计可能会受到样本范围和规模的限制,但结果仍然强烈支持 IPv6 部署:IPv6 部署指数每增加 10%,就会带来约 0.4% 的 GDP 增长。到 2030 年,IPv6 和 IPv6+ 实现的行业总价值估计为 10.8 万亿美元。

总之,现在是部署 IPv6 的最佳时机。 IPv6 的全行业采用已经开始。主要电信运营商、互联网内容提供商、设备制造商都通过采用 IPv6 和 IPv6+ 参与了进入新数字世界的浪潮。政策制定者可能会鼓励行业生态系统中的“长尾”参与者效仿。结合针对公共部门、私营部门、技能发展、意识增强和整体战略的政策,政府将能够推动全国范围内的 IPv6 和 IPv6+ 的采用。

[报告关键词]:   IPv6  
















